Improving Physical and Mental Health
Determining impact on participation in education, employment & community
This questionnaire is the second in the series and will provide a snapshot of the participation patterns of young people aged 10 to 30 years living in Australia with cerebral palsy. This information will be critical to identify the supports that they will need to participate fully at home, in the community (including in health care), education and employment.
You can access the survey HERE
Project ContactEstimating prevalence of physical and mental health problems
This questionnaire is the third in the series and aims to further understand the physical and mental health status of young people with cerebral palsy aged 10 to 30 years living in Australia. The experiences of and satisfaction with health professionals (physical, mental and sexual health) will be explored. The information will be critical to understanding the needs of young people with cerebral palsy and identifying gaps in the system.
You can access the survey HERE
To find out more, watch our video
Project ContactEvaluating impact of screening on the identification of mental health problems
This project aims to improve the identification of mental health issues in young people with cerebral palsy. It is not known whether generic mental health screening tools are reliable or accurate in identifying anxiety and depression in young people with cerebral palsy. This project will examine the validity and utility of two procedures to assess anxiety and depression in young people with cerebral palsy. This information will improve the identification of mental health issues in young people with cerebral palsy.
Project ContactEvaluating outcomes of transition services for young people with CP
The focus of this objective has been to identify issues and gaps in transition from paediatric to adult care for young people with cerebral palsy to inform the development of essential systems and resources, including the delivery of transition services. This work has included the establishment of working groups, publications, health pathways for GPs and collaborations between education and healthcare institutions involving both paediatric and adult services.
Project ContactUnderstanding health service use and outcomes
This data linkage study aims to determine frequency of hospital admissions and emergency department presentation, and the use of MBS / PBS items in a cohort of people with cerebral palsy aged 10-30 years, compared to the general population of young adults of a similar age.
Project Contact