
We're still working on our program but here's a quick glance at the sessions and we have lined up.


Day 1- Health & Well-being

Thursday 3 April

  • Opening Address: What has been achieved? Professor Dinah Reddihough, CP-Achieve
  • Keynote address: Emma Livingstone, Founder & CEO, Up – The Adult Cerebral Palsy Movement 
  • Taking consumer involvement to the next steps- Carolyn Pinto, Sevastine Katsakis,  Margaret Wallen, and Claire Rowland
  • What's new?
    • In epilepsy management- Monica Cooper
    • In dystonia management- Giuliana Antolovich
    • In pain management- Adrienne Harvey and Nadine Smith
  • Breaking the barriers
    • How can adolescents & young adults access information about sexuality/reproduction- Megan Walsh and Susan Sawyer 
    • Moving out of home- Lyndal Hickey
    • Intersectionality- Carolyn Pinto and Claire Rowland
    • Views of young adults- Jackie Ding 
  • What’s new in the management of musculoskeletal issues for adolescents and young adults?- Kerr Graham and Erich Rutz


Day 2- Participation & Future Focus

Friday 4 April

  • Keynote address : Preventive health care findings,  Professor Christine Imms, CP-Achieve
  • Keynote address: NDIS Moving Forward: A whole system approach to improving outcome for children and families- Professor Bruce Bonyhady, Melbourne Disability Institute
  • Forging the way forward
    • Exercise for those with complex disability- Carlee Holmes
    • Improved diagnosis of mental health problems- Sarah Giles and Jacinta Pennacchia
    • Lifestyle options- Stacey Cleary
  • Data – how useful is it?
    • Long term value of CP Registers- Sue Reid
    • The Understanding Survey- what does it tell us and how can we use the findings? Carlee Holmes and Sarah Giles
    • Use of health service data- Prue Morgan
    • NDIA data analysis
  • Participation – in so many ways
    • Paralympics- Iain Dutia
    • Participation- Gaela Kilgour
    • Community gyms- Georgia McKenzie and Nora Shields
    • Physical activity: transitioning from childhood to adult- Leanne Johnstone
    • Peer support- Leanne Sakzewski 
  • The journey forward
    • How can we continue to collaborate? Research groups in Australia- Ingrid Honan
    • Transition from paediatrics to adulthood- Evelyn Culnane
    • Young adults- Amy Hogan
    • Parents- Jane Tracy